Tuesday, December 9, 2008

doc visit

Andrew had his 4 week check up today.
He is growing allright..3 pds in 3 weeks, go mom! So, he's finally up to 8lbs 2 oz!! Yeah! Which finally puts him on the chart at 10th percentile for his age! Little stinker! He is also 20 inces he is finally starting to fit into clothes and diapers, which is nice.
He was also termed "slightly colicky" and I agree! I was very, very lucky with my first 2 boys. I use to walk around thinking I was super-mom because my babies never cried and I always heard horror stories and I thought (yes, I'll admit it)...I thought, it was the mother's fault. lol I always thought it meant the mother was not relaxed and the baby was just picking up on the mother's anxiety. It's crappy and ignorant to think that, but I always had easy babies.
Well, this little guy changes everything.
He just cries for no reason, on and the point of..ignorance. I have never heard a newborn squawk so much! He whimpers and whines and squirms around; he is constantly moving. He is the worst at night. Also, he spits up all the time, sometimes immediately after a feeding, before I even get a chance to burp him. And these gas pains...ohh lordy.

Eric thinks it's the best thing that has ever happened because it's working as a method of birth control. If all my babies were like this, i would have stopped at one. (yeah..right :)
But, he's freakin adorable. I've decided he looks nothing like me,simply my husband and he is totally aware of this and I think he loves it more than anything. Danny has always gotten the "he looks just like his mommy" and Zach still gets the "he looks just like Papa" so I know Eric is happy to get the "he looks just like Daddy"...finally! it only took 3!
Zach is on the mend and doing much better. And his middle of the night charades are turning into only once a night, and straight back to bed, barely needing a kiss to fall back to sleep.
yeah, nearly 5 yr. old's are NOT easy! He has started this random throwing screaming fits. It's insane and irrational and totally maddening. His teacher is even fed-up, so we are working on a disicpline rountine together, making sure we do the same thing at preschool and home. And this would be making him immediately sit in a specific chair untill screaming fit ends and he able to control his emotions.
He is really excited for chirstmas though, being the only one old enough to vocalize wishes and wants and excitement, it's cute. It makes the whole 6 hour tree decorating deal worth it and hanging lights outside in the freezing rain.
Im preparing for x-mas pics, which Im doing at home this year to save money. Im spending the money I save on the photo greeting cards from walmart..10 personalized for 10 bucks, not bad!
I have 1 final exam next monday and the deadline to turn in all my term papers for english and then I am DONE!!!! >>>nearly tears of excitement.
Im so behind on shopping, only because there is no funds.
Gifts or bills??
Well, gifts.
thats all for now.


Claire said...

I hear ya on the bills/gifts!!

Did they tell you to stop eating dairy??? Talk to me on Myspace..I might be able to give you some suggestions to help elivieate the colic ;-)