Saturday, July 19, 2008

today starts the begining of.....

my blogging experience.
A friend from way back when, myspace and a fellow mother moved her blogging to this site and I thought...that might just be a good idea. Truth is, I am NOT all that honest on myspace b/c I made the mistake of becoming friends with everyone, even family and it really leaves no room for honesty. And I guess I just can't write something if I KNOW that person will read it and everyone else.
So, here I am...and I will try not make this a bitch fest, but now that I am aware of the possibility of privacy..I may bitch, but just a little (or a lot). and it's still online, so really..if someone wanted to read it..they could.
Today of all days, there is nothing to talk about. Eric is away working a side job for some extra money. The kids are running around wild (per usual) and I am getting in the few moments of my own time that I have-being online and pretendng I have something important to do on here. But, this week was quite chaotic...i should clarify:
on Monday, my BFF went into labor and had an emergency c-section, then underwent a 6 hr repair surgery to re-attach her uterus to her cervix, cut the blood supply off to her left overy, whcih is now floating and we're crossing our fingers that she won't need a hysterectomy. She isn't allowed to have children for 2 years, if she sufferes any abdominal blows in the next 2 years..she will bleed out. She is still in the hospital, after suffering a horrible infection, needing 3 blood transfusions and then having her entire digestive system fail and needing a tube feed. The baby was healthy and beautiful and lookedlike her momma. All of that and of course, the father is she went through it alone and with strength and a sense of humor I didn't know she had.But, I truly believe that having children turns us into the woman we were meant to be.
Tuesday I was exhausted and desperately tried to catch up on homewrork and housework. Wed. I went to work in the morning and had the afternoon off and also an afternoon before school without children. When I got home and looked in the mirror,I realized my vericose veins on my left leg were getting worse, more painful and I thought I would call my office to makie sure I could go till next week to have the doctor look at them. The nurse freaks me out, tells me to pack a bag, I need an ultrasound, it may be a bloo clot, no walk, have someone drive me. Eric reluctatnyl picks me up..because now I am pissed because once again I am missing class to spend the night in the hospital when I KNOW it's nothing. Of course it wasn't, it took almost 4 hours to figure out it was nothing. I missed BOTH classes (although this time...I had an excuse) and I was sent home with an rx for support hose: thanks! :) Pregnancy turns everything into such an ordeal..Im sure some women love it..I hate the nonsense.
Thursday was the hottest day of the week and also our trip to cedarpoint-Danny's first time to an amusement park! Holy hell! it was a horrible 90 degrees with no breeze. Eric and our friend Joe did their roller coaster thing and now that I was preggers...I was banned from anything that caused a slight breeze or gave even a mist of cool water to cool down. i was confined to kiddy kingdom and planet snoopy with my mom and sister at my side. But, eventually..thet left me. Alone with Zach in the stroller and pulling Danny behind me, out of water and feeling like I might pass out..but plastering a smile on my face while Danny whined and yelled his frustrations out about not being tall enough to ride with his dad and joe on the h2o rides. it ended with a frantic call to eric for help..I needed someone to help me get to the other end of the park in 4 mintues to make it to an air conditioned show indoors..I made it, sat way up high, by myself with the kids again..but loved the AC. Zach threw a fit the majority of the time and the ppl sitting ahead of us kept snickering..but there was no way I was leaving. I mentioned that we might have to leave early to danny and then he freaked I decided the ppl in front of my could kiss my ass..if they can't understand the trials of a pregnant mother of 2 alone in an amusement park then they deserve to hear some whining behind builds character!
Yesterday was also insane, re-couping from the entire week...finding out my sis-in law's doctor's entire family was in a horrible car accident, they lost the baby and the mother is not doing well or one of the other children. I also tried to catch up on bills..that was a lost cause..never enough coming in..and always too much to pay. I ended up stuffing them away in the drawer and not letting it ruin my weekend. And so far..ignorance is paying off.
So here I am. The reprocussions of missing so much class is weighing on me..Lack of sleep and the stress of my dear friend in the hospital is killing me. Plus, Im also in the midst of planning a bachelorette party which is only 3 weeks away, one bridesmaid never returns phone calls and the other is going through some horrile family in Sarah..Super Sarah who tackles it
Stay tuned..finals are in 2 weeks, Eric is leaving for a camping trip and I must be the best damn matron of honor you have ever seen.
I have laundry, dishes and children to tend to!