Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"no, no,no"

I realized yesterday how nice it have a normal 8 hr. day at work, come home, eat dinner with my fam and go to bed at a decent hour.
It's been about 6 months since I have been able to do that. And I totally appreciated the schedule of yesterday and infact, it makes me never want to go back to school again.
I am totally and 100% taking advantage of this break between semesters..
On a school note:
I called Y-town yesterday(because that is where I am transfering to and doing the program at)
and they informed me..
"NO, we have no wait lists like other schools. But, we only accept 24 students a year and over 100 apply. It's very competitive and completely based on grades."
SWEET!-not! :( I had a damn 4.0 before last semester and now..probably a 3.7...soo I really need to work my ass of next semester or I can forget my chances of going.
If I don't get accepted I will be screwed because I have been working on the pre-req's for that school and not the one's around here. So, if I get rejected I won't even be able to get on a waiting list right away, I will have to take more classes before even considering applying.
such a hassle.
in between all of that, some major issues went down at work last week. Major issues meaning-somone was fired and of our offices is in need of a head assistant. And who do they think of-me, of course! Granted, I am really the only one that has been around long enough to step up. But, they are about to offer me all these promises and changes that look so good right now, but are definately not what I need. I need to say no thanks,but it's hard when It is such a fast fix to problems, but will only hold me back from achieveing my main
Aside from stupid, dumb stuff..that REALLY doesn't matter.
Danny starts soccer tonight. He is on a real soccer team with practices 2x a week and games on friday, a coach and everything..insane. He is 4! And little..and innocent and totally not ready to be knocked over by the big, bad 6 yr. old soccer bully. (ok, I'm not ready for that to happen) I cannot believe one of my children is old enough to participate in a sport....
I really am excited though and it will be super fun. And It gives me something to do now that I am on break, all I do is'll get out of the house at least 3x a week.
Zach is this gigantic toddler now. He bumbles around all day, following Danny, climing very tall things, falling from very tall things, eating..non stop. he eats more than Danny. His hair is finally starting to come in..I thought it never would! Blonde as can will be brown soon, like Danny's. And we have totally entered the biting/hitting for no reason phase. Which is just so much fun. I say "no hitting/no biting" close to 3 thousand times a day and feel like a recording. And he just looks at me and continues on his way..chewing and smacking anything in front of him. Especially Danny, which always turns into a view of what the rest of my life will include...the life of a mother of 3 boys.