Thursday, January 15, 2009

a one-piece kinda girl

I am really stinkin excited because we are going to Splash Lagoon this weekend!! It's this sweet indoor water park. We got a super nice suite, hot tub included!! We went when Danny was really young and couldn't really do anything, but now he's all grown up :) and stuff sooo...I'll be able to go down the fun slides with him. Plus, Zach has never been to anything like it and absolutely loves it when we go to the YMCA and, he'll be in heaven. We're going with my mom and little sis and...we wouldnt be going any other way, because there is no way WE could afford it. Unfortunately, we decided the baby is a bit young for the whole trip, especially since temps are...crazy cold. And since Eric hates swimming in general (weirdo), he decided it would be best for him to stay home with Andrew. I hate, really hate leaving him here overnight without me. I feel guilty, but I also think Eric will appreciate thier time alone, he is looking forward to it. And...I havent really had a chance to hang out with just the older two since Andrew was born, so this gives me a chance to devote all my attention to them, which I know they have been missing. So, obviously I am stoked about the whole thing...except

wearing a swimsuit 9 weeks post-partum!
ohhhh jeeezus.
I tried on my two pieces, what a disaster. Evetrything that wasn't supposed to hang out WAS and all the other things were sagging and..I will admit, I have F'n BACK FAT!, these little dimples. What the hell was I thinking when I looked at the rear-view anyway? It wasn't pretty.
So, I have to go buy a swimsuit. Thankfully,they already put them out in the stores, which really surprised me because it's january! who goes out this time of year, directly after the holiday feasts to buy a swimsuit???
I'll tell you who-those damn skinny, children-less, adorably cute and elasticky 19 year olds.
So, I decided I am now a one-piece kinda girl. Thier back in,right?? I wan to cover as much as possible..I am considering a body suit now that I think of it.
I need a swimsuit thats equipped with a miracle bra, a tummy tucker, a hip thiner, a deep -golden tan , an acne eraser and sign that says "yeah, I still got it!"
THAT would be awesome.
Andrew had his 8 week check up yesterday.
He's now a whopping 10lbs 2oz, my little guy:)
22 in. long.
Still hanging in the 10%. But, Zach was really little at first and then around 4months and during the introduction of cereal..soared into the 75% so, we'll see.
The doc. said she was impressed with his belly-time skills.. (go me!) and that he is of course absoultely adorable (another go me)
he smiles.
only twice.
but, so far..for no one other than me!
once again,
go me!