Friday, September 5, 2008

I am about sooooo done.

I was married 2 years ago on July 29th, 2006. It was a beautiful wedding, it was thoughtfully planned and perfectly executed. Looking back, I realize I would NEVER plan a wedding again and I also understand completely why people choose to elope.
I am currently the "matron of honor" for my sister in law who will be married in 4 weeks, on Oct. 4th (the day after my bday). This "honor" is tuning into only a headache and actually causing me to see all the downsides of my friend, she is turning into a self absorbed, demanding, ridiculous requesting nightmare. To be honest, I dread picking up the phone..and she calls me at least 5x a day.
Keep in mind, when I was planning my wedding. I did it 100% by myself. At the time, Eric and I were very young and the first couple out of all of our friends to get married. our bridal party..which was 10 ( 5 on each side) really didin't KNOW what thier responsiblities were and in fact, failed us. We still love them of course. In fact, I planned my own bach. party and bridal maid of honor, my best friend in the whole world..totally sucked at her position. I am over it obviously. And I didnt let any of it ruin my day.
While planning my wedding, I worked FULL time without a cut in hours and also was raising a 2 year old and Eric was going through a period of slowtimes at work and his paychecks were not all. I did all thatby myself and never once interferred with anyone else's life or made my problems..theiers.
My dear,lovely sister in law is...screwing everyone. In fact, her bridesmaids are to the point where we roll out eyes and laugh. She has no idea how ridiculous she is being. She has taken 1 day off a week from work, to "work on wedding stuff" and has now requested that my mother in law, her mother help her on those days. THAT day happens to be the one day that I have always had my mother in law watch my kids, I have school on that day and also work on my online class and take my tests and now, I go to the dr. every 2 weeks for this preg. and we had planned on me making my appts on that same day so I am never forced to take 2 young children with me.
So, now I have no one to watch the kids for my appointments, I cannot take my tests online when I should, instead I have to do it while zach is naping and pray he stays asleep for an hour and video games will keep danny occupied while I take my timed tests.
NOt only that, but she calls me throughout the day to worry about things I Am suppsed to be in charge of, she worried about every freakin detail of the bach. party..but also wanted everything to be a damn surpise, tell me how that is possible.And now she calls to worry about the shower, and this and that.....leave me alone.
She also plans this random get togethers on sat. nights with the entire bridal party, that no one knows about until the last miunnute and if for some reason you can't are now a piece of shit and have ruined her entire life.
She shows up everywhere stressed and pissed and huffing and puffing. Instead of devoting all of her free time to the wedding stuff (she she is always so stressed about "everything that needs done", her and her man go out to eat and watch tv all night..doing nothing. Oh, and the day she has stolen my childcare and support system..she brings her over there to tie some dumb bows on cards..while...get this:
she cleans her fucking house!
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I have 2 children, pregant with another, have worked full time and I go to school full time and in my entire career as a mother,student, employee and wife..I have never had anyone come over and do my petty shit for me..while I clean
and then she had the audacity to tell me mother in law the bows"must be straight"
do it yourself,you lazy ass.
I am so sick of people expecting you do bend over backwards when they can't lift a finger for themselves.
oh god..get me through this without murdering.


Claire said...

I've been wanting to read yours but I never got the link!!!
#1- What a pain in the ASS!! i was 18 when I was my sisters maid of honor so I didnt do squat & she lived so far away anyway!! I lucked out eh?
#2- A doctor after the c-section told me that about the thing HE didnt do the surgery right??
#3- I'm glad your a reader..leave comments, it makes me feel loved & appreciated in a sad small way...