Thursday, September 25, 2008


What a week or...two!
I feel practically out of touch with the world after losing power for 4 days, spending a week making up for what I missed in school via. the computer, studying for a huge chem. test and a vast amount of preperation for the wedding,which is now only...8 days away!
I quite excited about today! I am (for the first time since Eric and I have been together....6+years) going to the salon for a professional hair session! Yes, shampoo and conditoner with that lovely massage, cut AND color. I don't know how Eric is letting me do it because that shit costs a fortune and usually I am SO against it because I can color my hair myself forless than 5 bucks and always have in the past..but he thinks I need some "pampering" and who am I to argue? Actually, normally I do. I insist that the boys need new clothes instead or we should spend the extra money on one of the thousand medical bills that I never regularly pay. But, this time...I said "yep, that sounds like a brilliant idea"
I did not go to any of my classes last night. I hold a strict belief that college students are granted one "freebie pass" per class per semester. I wasn't planning on using any of mine this semester because I am due to have this baby PRIOR to the end of the semester, but...yah. I definately didn't go and really should have.Especially after getting my first Chem. test back on monday and finding out I earned a f'n 70%, which is offically the lowest grade I have gotten on anything since I entered college. So, extremely dissapointed in myself and also trying to ignore the urge to bust into tears when I realized that monday was also my deceased father's birthday, I came home and bitched to my husband about chemistry and dissapointments and frustrations for him to say:
"ohh..don't worry, you'll be fine." At this point, I shut up and think-yep, that's the same thing the guy sitting next to me in class said. Wow, thanks husband for the terrific insight and ability to make your pregnant wife's night any better-blah!!
needless to say, I took the night off last night and then had to explain to my father in law why "there's no learning today???" He asks this with that same dumb ass look his son gave me the night prior in an effort to ease my pain.
This whole ordeal leads me to believe no matter WHAT I THREE sons are going to inhereit ALL the qualities of thier father; the good...and the bad. Sweet!

I am just a gigantic hormonal volcano.
And ironically, the only thing I devote my time to these days (other than children, cooking and cleaning) stuff??
What the hell is wrong with me?
I am even working on writing a poem after I said I wasn't doing a speech and completely upset my sister in law.
She gave one at my wedding so I guess that means I HAVE to give one at hers? Even though my husband is the best man and will say pretty much the exact same thing I would. So, I felt like I was being forced into it and what kind of a gift is that? I said no.
and then
2 days later..started writing a poem?
I am literally insane.
and i think I have ended many blogs with that same line.
which proves it!